Heart:Heart Soul Sessions
What’s your spirit speak? How are the plants, flowers, animals, and unseen speaking to and from you? Let Gina Rose guide you in channeling plant spirits and creating your own language of flowers. For it’s more profound to make your own guide. Each session is specific to the channeler however includes: grounding, energy reading + reiki, song, ancestral remembering and awakenings and intuitive guidance. Together, we will tap into 7-10 plants that will awaken your intuition, ancestry, and knowing. Post flower reading, we play. Gina Rose will guide you in creating a floral masterpiece and ceremonial bath to take home with you.
Offering is available virtually, individually, and in groups. If you are interested in a group please reach out directly.
All of the magic you see listed on the left. <<Meditation, Grounding, Energy Reading + Reiki, Song, and Ancestral Remembering, and Intuitive Guidance. A take home ceremonial bath + floral arrangement>> Plus medicine making. Gina Rose will guide you in creating an array of self care products based on your needs. The studio sanctuary gets turned into a spa and you are invited to heal into your body and senses. You will melt into the rose face mask or the custom rosemary steam. It all depends on what you need. We will also create a flower essence of the moment and all of this magic will be full of prayer. It’s time for spiritual activation. Let Gina guide you.
Offering is available virtually, individually, and in groups. If you are interested in a group please reach out directly.
Working with Gina Rose 1:1 to dive into your soul purpose, your healing, and your spirit speak. This sessions guide you in traditional and ancestral learning and help to guide you in your own spirit journey and ritual. Gina Rose currently blends elements of herbalism, astrology, dream work, plant spirit medicine, song, reiki, ritual and intuitive practices to help guide hearts in healing, tapping into their own spirit-speak and aligning them with their true soul purpose.
Let’s dive into your natal chart. Gina Rose will tell you all about who you are, your innate characteristics, your soul purpose, your quirks and hardships and your path to enlightenment. It’s all your own karma laid out in the stars and sky. We’ll also look at when your chart was activated and dive into what’s going on for the year ahead. Knowing your soul footprint really helps one to understand who they are and what they are working towards in this lifetime.